
My sweet daughter Bethany saw a homeless man asking for money back in December of 2019 and she instantly had tears in her eyes. She asked to open up her piggy bank and give all of the money to the homeless people we saw on a daily basis here in Savannah,GA. My heart broke. Here was my 5 year old daughter…worried about our neighbors who don’t have homes. Some of whom don’t have food or a place to lay their head at night. Bethany’s Happy Bags for the Homeless was born and we started handing out quart size bags with items that they might need. Each bag included protein, first aid kits, toiletries,etc. I asked her what we could call the bags and she said “Happy Bags” because she wanted them to know that someone cares about them. She turned 6 on 8/27/20 and when I asked her what she wanted for her birthday, her answer just…blew me away. She told me that she wanted to help more people.We’ve continued to grow our budding (not quite yet an) organization and continue to help many men, women and children each year! Our bags have grown from quart size to gallon size. They now include a drink, Bombas socks, body wipes, tuna or chicken salad, a fruit cup, bug spray, sun screen, deodorant, soap, home made first aid kit, and every single bag has a hand-written note to let the recipient know that someone cares and is thinking about them. When we gave out our 299th bag, the man was so touched that he reached into the car and gave me a hug. It’s moments like these that let us know we are making a difference in the lives of those we meet.  We have partnered with the local homeless authority, the police dept and shelters to distribute our bags. During certain times of the year, we collect blankets that are brought to a local shelter for women and children. When the children arrive, they can pick out their own blanket that they can keep forever. We hope that they find some comfort in their new blankets.It is our hope that these Happy Bags and other donations will continue to touch the lives of those who receive them. 

Thank you to a local folk artist Panhandle Slim for creating this work of art featuring Bethany.